An Introduction to Investment Banking, M&A, Financial Modeling, Valuation + Business Best Practices
Print and Kindle Editions(Amazon)
This book will focus on investment banking, valuation, creating financial models and M&A examples. This book is a great very high level introduction the M&A and investment banking profession and assumes that the reader has no background in banking! Most business books are significantly outdated. There are some incredibly engaging and entertaining video links in the book to YouTube and other sources; edutainment rocks! I tried to visualize the content of this book as much as possible as this is a more impactful and enjoyable way to learn (think Pinterest versus the tiny words in the Economist)!
The contents of this book are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and most recently based on my experience at a prominent San Francisco based venture capital firm. I will also include helpful practical business concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this book as a “greatest hits” accounting summary from my MBA, undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies. I have also included two bonus chapters on incredibly important business best practices and recent trends that many people often overlook in business.
As the title of this book suggests, this is a great introduction to banking. I have minimized “boring theoretical concepts” in this book in order to keep it as close to reality as possible. I hope you enjoy it!