Affiliate Program: My students have made thousands of dollars selling my MBA program. It’s easy to make money partnering with me as all you need to do is give my coupons out with your affiliate code (which I can provide you with). If you are interested in joining our Affiliate Program (in order to make a 30% profit by selling our courses using coupons), please email affiliates@harounventures.com.
The way it works is I provide you with a link to sell my Gold, Platinum or Silver MBA and you receive 30% of the sales price 30 days after the purchase has been made (in order to account for returns). Please note that you must have a PayPal account to join the affiliate program.
If you are interested in joining the Haroun Education Ventures Affiliate Program, please email affiliates@harounventures.com for more details.
If you already signed up in the past and you want more details, please click this link for instructions thanks: https://harouneducationventures.com/affiliate