Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Fundraising Advice from a Successful Venture Capitalist


Lectures: 23
Video: 2 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


This course will teach you everything you need to know about raising money from anyone, including venture capital firms from an award winning business school professor, venture capitalist, entrepreneur and author including:

  • Learn the secrets of networking and how to get a meeting with almost anyone.

  • Learn how to pitch your business model to anyone including venture capital firms.

  • Learn what you should and should not include in your presentation slides.

  • Learn how to present your business model like Steve Jobs.

  • Learn how to turn "no" into "yes".

  • ...and much more.

Chris has over 20 years of experience in raising money, starting companies and advising companies including work experience at Goldman Sachs and founding several companies. He has raised over $1bn. He has an MBA in finance from Columbia University and he is an award winning business school professor and frequent guest lecturer at Stanford and Berkeley. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area and he is a partner at a prominent venture capital firm. Chris has written numerous articles in VentureBeat, Entrepreneur Magazine, Wired Magazine, AlleyWatch, Pulse as well as an interview on venture capital on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) which is Hong Kong's oldest and sole public service broadcaster.


What are the requirements?

Nothing except a positive attitude and a lot of passion : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Dramatically increase your chances of raising money (22 lessons taught by an award winning graduate business school professor, venture capitalist, author and entrepreneur).

  • Understand how to raise money from high net worth investors, venture capitalists and strategics/corporations.

  • Understand how to present like Steve Jobs to investors.

  • Understand what to include in your pitch presentation to investors.

  • Understand how to network and get meetings with potential investors.


What is the target audience?

  • Entrepreneurs interested in raising money by pitching their business models to venture capital firms or other investors.

  • Entrepreneurs interested in how to create a compelling investor presentation.

  • Entrepreneurs interested in how to network.

  • Executives interested in fine turning their business model presentation skills.

  • Students interested in how to create and present business models.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Get into the Top Business Schools + MBA Admissions Tips


Lectures: 18
Video: 32 mins
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Special limited time low price offer. You don't need the best grades or test scores to get into the top business schools. I will teach you the secrets on how to get in. I received an MBA from Columbia University and I have helped all of my associates and interns over the years get into the top business schools, including many at Harvard Business School, Wharton, University of Chicago, Stanford, INSEAD, Columbia, NYU, Duke, UCLA and many more! You don't need to have above average test scores or a high GPA. In this course I will teach you only what you need to get in. I will be updating the course often. Thanks


What are the requirements?

Nothing. All you need is an open mind and a very positive attitude as I think and know for a fact that anyone can get into any business school if they set their minds to it.....I have seen and helped many accomplish their dreams! : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Dramatically increase your chances of getting into the top business schools even if you have average grades and test scores.

  • Decide which business schools you should apply to. Please aim high as you will get in!

  • Write killer essays.

  • Get the top recommendation letters.

  • Ace the GMAT.

  • Improve your undergraduate GPA scores after you graduate.

  • Get a HUGE salary boost by attending the best business schools; you can get in! I am here to help.


What is the target audience?

  • Anyone that wants to go to a top business school regardless of your experience, test scores and GPA.

  • Anyone considering going to business school and why it doesn't make sense and can hurt your career if you go for the wrong reasons....learn more about this crucial topic.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Build Financial Models & Value Companies The Easy Way


Lectures: 17
Video: 1 hour
Skill Level: All Levels
Language: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Special limited time low price offer. This course is for anyone interested in modeling and valuing companies the easy way. I will teach you the easiest ways to create and understand financial modeling and valuation methodologies based on my 20+ years of valuation and modeling experience as a hedge fund investor at Citadel and other companies, while I worked at Goldman Sachs, while I started a few companies and currently where I am a venture capital parter. I am also an award winning graduate business school finance professor and have an MBA in finance from Columbia University. I will teach you the easiest ways to value and model companies based on my experience. Thanks!


What are the requirements?

You don't need to have any finance knowledge. Just an open mind and a positive attitude : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Model companies the easy way.

  • Value companies the easy way.

  • Forecast 10 years of financials with ease.


What is the target audience?

Anyone interested in modeling and valuing companies with ease.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Venture Capital. What is it and Why it Matters to You!


Lectures: 24
Video: 1.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Language: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Learn everything there is to know about venture capital from a venture capitalist, award winning graduate business school professor and entrepreneur. Learn the fascinating history of venture capital, who the players are and what their investment criteria is. Also learn how to pitch a business model to a venture capital firm.

  • What can venture capital firms do to help you?

  • What can the wrong venture capital do to your business?

  • What are the legal issues to consider when starting a company and partnering with a venture capital firm?

  • How can I get a venture capital firm to invest in my company?

  • How can I network in the venture capital industry?

  • Why does the sector exist and much more...

  • You don't need to have a background in business or technology to enjoy and learn from this course : )


What are the requirements?

Minimal business knowledge is required. Just an open mind and a positive attitude. Thanks : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Understand what venture capital is.

  • Understand what venture capital firms look for when investing in a start-up.

  • Understand why steve jobs was able to raise venture capital money and how you can too.

  • Understand the fascinating history of the venture capital exists because of Sputnik and the cold war.

  • Understand how to network and meet venture capital professionals.

  • Understand the crucial venture capital legal issues to consider.

  • Understand what are the qualities of founders that venture capital firms are looking for.


What is the target audience?

  • Anyone interested in learning about venture capital.

  • Anyone interested in learning why Steve Jobs got venture capital money and how to use his skills.

  • Anyone interested in learning how to network and meet venture capitalists.

  • Anyone interested in raising money from venture capitalists.

  • Students, seasoned professionals and historians. The course is very engaging and entertaining too.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Intro to Accounting the Easy Way! Free Book Included!


Lectures: 10
Video: 34 mins
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Do you want an amazing and easy to understand introduction to accounting? In this course, you will learn how the 3 most important financial statements work (meaning the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement). You will also learn about financial ratios and how accounting works in thew real world!

A free book of the ENTIRE course and much more is included!

This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School," which Forbes magazine recently called "1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now."

The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and most recently based on my experience at a prominent San Francisco based venture capital firm. I included helpful practical accounting concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a great introduction to accounting based on my undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies.

I have minimized “boring complicated concepts” in this course in order to keep it as close to reality and as simple as possible. The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many classes at several universities, where the student feedback has been universally and incredibly positive (please see my LinkedIn profile for student reviews / feedback on my teaching style/effectiveness - thank you. Also please see reviews of my books in Amazon and here in Udemy on my teaching - particularly in my Udemy course on "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,”).


What are the requirements?

Nothing is required except a high school understanding of math and a positive attitude : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Create financial models from scratch (the Professor makes it so easy to understand).

  • Analyze company financials with ease!

  • Navigate and understand how a Balance Sheet works.

  • Navigate and understand how an Income Statement works.

  • Navigate and understand how a Cash Flow Statement works.

  • Know exactly how all the 3 aforementioned statements are linked together (meaning what is the purpose of all 3 and how they "talk" to each other).

  • Know what accounting software package works best for organizations and how it makes the whole accounting process easy to understand! This is not your old school accounting class...this is a very forward thinking current accounting class that you will love! The professor makes it soooo easy to understand! : )


What is the target audience?

Anyone interested in learning about accounting the easy and common sense way!

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Intro to Investment Banking, M&A, IPO, Modeling(+ Free Book!)


Lectures: 15
Video: 2 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Do you want an amazing and easy to understand introduction to investment banking, M&A, valuation and modeling skills? In this course, you will learn how an initial public offering (IPO) works as the award winning MBA Professor worked on IPOs at Goldman Sachs. You will also learn real life case studies on why Facebook bought Instagram and What'sApp!

A free 130 page downloadable book of the ENTIRE course and much more is included!

This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School," which Forbes magazine recently called "1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now."

The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and most recently based on my experience at a prominent San Francisco based venture capital firm. I included helpful practical accounting concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a great introduction to accounting based on my undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies.

I have minimized “boring complicated concepts” in this course in order to keep it as close to reality and as simple as possible. The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many classes at several universities, where the student feedback has been universally and incredibly positive (please see my LinkedIn profile for student reviews / feedback on my teaching style/effectiveness - thank you. Also please see reviews of my books in Amazon and here in Udemy on my teaching - particularly in my Udemy course on "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,”).


What are the requirements?

Nothing except very basic understanding of accounting (very basic) a positive attitude! : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Take your career to the next level!

  • Create financial models from scratch (the Professor makes it so easy to understand).

  • Understand how investment banking firms work and what they can do to help your business.

  • Value companies the easy way.

  • Understand how an IPO works!


What is the target audience?

Anyone interested in an introduction to how an IPO works or how to model and value companies and basically what investment bankers do!

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

50 Career & Self Development Tips: Welcome to the New You!


Lecture: 63
Video: 1.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


You will be a different person by the time you finish this course. This course will help you to focus on what are the most important goals for you to achieve in life. There are no limits in life, except for the limits that we place on ourselves; "whether or not you think you can achieve something, you're right" : )

This course contains the best career and non-career advice I have compiled in my life, including the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and many successful businesspeople that ALSO had a very successful personal and family life. Again, you will be a different person by the time you finish this course. Thank you.


What are the requirements?

Nothing except an open mind and a positive attitude : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Achieve ALL of your business and non-business goals.

  • Learn how to reinvent yourself in ways that you never thought were possible!

  • Significantly increase your level of happiness at work and away from work!

  • Learn how to take your career to the next level!

  • Understand the importance of mentoring others (some call it Karma, but this strategy forces you to practice your core values).

  • Find out what your passion is. What were you put on this earth to accomplish professionally; if you get out of bed in the morning and tell yourself that you are going to work, then you are doing it wrong; find your passion and you will never work a single day in your life : )


What is the target audience?

Anyone interested in self improvement from a career and personal perspective.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Intro to Business Law for Entrepreneurs (+Free Book!)


Lectures: 15
Video: 1.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


What kind of legal company registration should I set up so that I protect my family and assets if my company gets sued? How do I protect my brand and products and make sure that nobody can copy them? What red flags and issues should I watch out for so that my investors can't take a larger percent of my company if my company has issues? This course will answer all of the aforementioned questions and many more. We will go through the life cycle of a company from founding to a stock market listing (initial public offering) to restructuring and or declaring bankruptcy if needed (there are significant benefits to doing this in many situations).


What are the requirements?

Nothing except a positive attitude! : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Protect your family and assets in case your business gets sued.

  • Set up the correct and most beneficial legal entity for your company.

  • Understand how to protect your brand and company with patents, contracts, copyright, trademarks etc.

  • Restructure your company and the benefits of declaring bankruptcy protection if needed.

  • Many other red flags to be careful of when it comes to business and law.

  • Understand how to avoid letting your investors take over your company.


What is the target audience?

Anyone interested in learning about an introduction to business law (only practical concepts that you can use and no boring theory + we won't cover business law topics that are common sense).

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Hedge & Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide


Lectures: 101
Vide: 8.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Include: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


There are 100 lessons in this course to help you understand how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds and hedge funds (even if you have no stock picking, accounting or finance experience)! Also, if you want to work or be successful at a hedge fund or at a mutual fund, this course will tell you how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds. 

After taking this course, students should be able to understand how to pick stocks like a professional investor at a mutual fund or hedge fund as well as how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds.


What are the requirements?

You don’t need to have any accounting or finance experience as we will cover all of the concepts from scratch. A requirement is that you have access to and a very basic understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel as we will use Microsoft Excel in the course as we will be analyzing and creating a Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement. We will also learn how to create the following from scratch using Microsoft Excel: financial models so we can come up with target prices using Discounted Cash Flow, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Price to Earnings, Price to Revenue, etc. – again all from scratch (assuming you have no or some accounting/finance knowledge).


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn how to pick stocks by using easy to understand methodologies that professional investors at the top hedge funds and mutual funds use.

  • How to come up with mutual fund investment ideas (longs - meaning buys) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.

  • How to come up with hedge fund investment ideas (longs and shorts) using an easy to understand top down and bottoms up research process.

  • Use templates and helpful methodologies created by Professor Haroun when he worked in the hedge fund industry to help you get a job, get promoted and pick stocks. The templates are all included in the course as well as Professor Haroun's easy to understand 8 step investment framework process.

  • Identify crucial catalysts (timed events) in order to know when the optimal time is to buy or short a stock.

  • Know exactly what a hedge fund is, the different hedge fund strategies, what it is like to work at a hedge fund, the pros and cons of working at a hedge fund, what shorting a stock really means, how hedge funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top hedge funds.

  • Know exactly what a mutual fund is, the different mutual fund strategies, what it is like to work at a mutual fund, the pros and cons of working at a mutual fund, how mutual funds are structured and the who/what/where/why/when/how of the top mutual funds.

  • Chose what buy side job you are most passionate about (mutual funds or hedge funds).

  • Understand how investment banks (the 'Sell Side') can help you be more successful in a hedge fund or mutual fund career.

  • Create easy to understand 1 page templates on why a stock is a buy or a short that you can use to help you come up with investment ideas. You can also impress your boss, clients, colleagues and potential clients or potential boss!

  • Analyze and understand an income statement (even if you have no experience with income statements).

  • Analyze and understand a balance sheet (even if you have no experience with balance sheets).

  • Analyze and understand a cash flow statement (even if you have no experience with cash flow statements).

  • We will do an extremely in depth professional investment analysis of LinkedIn using the investment methodologies used in this course (you will also have many exercises to complete that will help you understand modeling, financial statements and how to value companies).

  • Understand and use modeling best practices so you can create financial models.

  • Know where to get data in order to build a financial model (in depth understanding of identifying and using/navigating the best free websites and sources to build your financial model)!

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for an income statement.

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet.

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement.

  • Understand valuation best practices so you can create target prices based on your financial models.

  • How to use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and how to create the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Terminal values in order to pick target prices.

  • How to use P/E in order to pick target prices.

  • How to use P/R in order to pick target prices.

  • Other valuation methodologies, including EV/Sales, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/FCF, etc.

  • Come up with a target price based on an average of several different valuation methodologies.

  • Know the differences with how hedge funds and mutual funds value and model companies.

  • Analyze the total addressable market for a company you are doing research on.

  • Analyze financial statements using profitability ratios: Gross Margin (Cost of Goods Sold / Revenue), Operating Margin (EBITDA/ Revenue), Net Profit Margin (Net Income / Revenue), Return on Assets (Net Income / Assets) and Return on Equity (Net Income / Equity).

  • Analyze financial statements using debt and inventory formulas: Debt to Assets (Total Liabilities/ Total Assets), Debt to Equity (Total Liabilities/ Total Equity), Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA / Interest) and Inventory Days on Hand (Inventory / Cost of Good Sold) * 365.

  • Analyze and compare companies using the following formulas: Price / Earnings, PEG (P/E / Growth), Price / Revenue, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, Price/Free Cash Flow and Price / Book.

  • How to interview management teams and tell if they are lying (based on training I received from 25 year CIA and FBI veterans).

  • How to keep you and your family safe by discussing important compliance rules in the mutual fund and hedge fund industry.

  • How to ace the mutual fund interview so you can get hired.

  • How to ace the hedge fund interview so you can get hired.

  • How to keep your boss happy at a hedge fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted.

  • How to keep your boss happy at a mutual fund so you have a much better chance of getting promoted.

  • Politics to be aware of at a hedge fund.

  • Politics to be aware of at a mutual fund.

  • Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a hedge fund.

  • Excellent tips/secrets on how to get promoted at a mutual fund.

  • What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a hedge fund?

  • What is the role of a successful portfolio manager at a mutual fund?


What is the target audience?

  • Anyone interested in learning how to pick stocks like professional investors do at a mutual fund or at a hedge fund.

  • Anyone interested in working at a hedge fund as an analyst.

  • Anyone interested in working at a mutual fund as an analyst.

  • Anyone that already works at a hedge fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).

  • Anyone that already works at a mutual fund and wants to learn how to improve their stock picking skills and also how to get promoted to the next level (portfolio manager).

  • Anyone that is interested in learning about the hedge fund and mutual fund industries and how they pick stocks.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation


Lectures: 60
Video: 4.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


This course will help you understand accounting, finance, financial modeling and valuation from scratch (no prior accounting, finance, modeling or valuation experience is required). After taking this course you will understand how to create, analyze and forecast an income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. 

By the end of his course you will also know how to value companies using several different valuation methodologies that I have used during my Wall Street career so you can come up with target prices for the companies that you are analyzing.

By the end of this course you will also know how to analyze financial statements using many different financial ratios/formulas that I have used in my hedge fund, Goldman Sachs and venture capital career.

Lastly, I am teaching this course in a much more visual and entertaining way; I hope youenjoy the course as I always use an 'edutainment' and visualization teaching approach to make complex topics simple/easy to understand. 

Please note that if you already signed up for my course called "Hedge and Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide," some of the accounting and finance topics in this course were already covered in the Hedge and Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide course.


What are the requirements?

You don’t need to have any accounting or finance experience as we will cover all of the concepts from scratch. A requirement is that you have access to and a very basic understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel as we will use Microsoft Excel in the course as we will be analyzing and creating a Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement. We will also learn how to create the following from scratch using Microsoft Excel: financial models so we can come up with target prices using Discounted Cash Flow, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Price to Earnings, Price to Revenue, etc. – again all from scratch (assuming you have no or some accounting/finance knowledge).


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Analyze and understand an income statement (even if you have no experience with income statements).

  • Analyze and understand a balance sheet (even if you have no experience with balance sheets).

  • Analyze and understand a cash flow statement (even if you have no experience with cash flow statements).

  • Understand and use modeling best practices so you can create financial models.

  • Know where to get data in order to build a financial model (in depth understanding of identifying and using/navigating the best free websites and sources to build your financial model)!

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for an income statement.

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a balance sheet.

  • Create a financial model (projecting the future) for a cash flow statement.

  • Understand valuation best practices so you can create target prices based on your financial models.

  • How to use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and how to create the Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Terminal values in order to pick target prices.

  • How to use P/E in order to pick target prices.

  • How to use P/R in order to pick target prices.

  • Other valuation methodologies, including EV/Sales, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/FCF, etc.

  • Come up with a target price based on an average of several different valuation methodologies.

  • Analyze the total addressable market for a company you are doing research on.

  • Analyze financial statements using profitability ratios: Gross Margin (Cost of Goods Sold / Revenue), Operating Margin (EBITDA/ Revenue), Net Profit Margin (Net Income / Revenue), Return on Assets (Net Income / Assets) and Return on Equity (Net Income / Equity).

  • Analyze financial statements using debt and inventory formulas: Debt to Assets (Total Liabilities/ Total Assets), Debt to Equity (Total Liabilities/ Total Equity), Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA / Interest) and Inventory Days on Hand (Inventory / Cost of Good Sold) * 365.

  • Analyze and compare companies using the following formulas: Price / Earnings, PEG (P/E / Growth), Price / Revenue, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, Price/Free Cash Flow and Price / Book.

  • We will do an extremely in depth professional accounting, finance, modeling and valuation analysis of LinkedIn using the accounting and finance methodologies used in this course (you will also have many exercises to complete that will help you understand accounting, finance, valuation and modeling).


What is the target audience?

  • Anyone interested in how accounting works (no prior accounting experience is needed).

  • Anyone interested in how finance works (no prior finance experience is needed).

  • Anyone interested in how modeling works (no prior modeling experience is needed).

  • Anyone interested in how valuation works (no prior valuation experience is needed).

  • Anyone interested in how financial ratios works (no prior financial ratios experience is needed).

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You In Business School


Forbes said "1 of 6 Books That All Entrepreneurs Must Read Right Now". These concepts are not taught in MBA schools!

Lectures: 67
Video: 1.5 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


This is the video version of the book that Forbes magazine calls "1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now" (along with " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey, "The Lean Start-up" by Eric Ries, Peter Thiel's book "From Zero to One", and The Self Made Billionaire Effect.").

I am humbled to say that the feedback on this course has been amazing! In this course you will learn how to get a meeting with anyone. You will learn how to take your career to the next level. You will learn how to reinvent yourself in ways that you never thought was possible! Chris Haroun has had the opportunity in his career to meet with the top CEOs, entrepreneurs and investors in the world, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Marc Benioff and the CEOs of most large technology companies. This book is an amalgamation of business advice that Chris has compiled from his many meetings with successful business people over the past two decades as well as observations of why brilliant entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg have become incredibly successful. Business schools do a good job of providing students with theoretical and practical frameworks that can be applicable to real world problems but often miss teaching students some of the most crucial business lessons like how to network, how to find customers or how to get a job!


What are the requirements?

  • Just an open mind and a positive attitude : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • You will learn how to get a meeting with anyone!

  • Take your career to the next level!

  • Learn how to reinvent yourself in ways that you never thought were possible!


What is the target audience?

Forbes magazine calls this book 1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now (along with Peter Thiel's book and the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People). Anyone interested in business should take this course.

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Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

The Complete Job, Interview, Resume & Network Career Guide


Lectures: 279
Video: 12 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English, captions
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion


Course Description

Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job?

This comprehensive complete career course is 12 hours, contains more than 250 lectures, 67 easy to complete exercises and 29 templates/other downloads to help you:

  1. Get any job you want,

  2. Build the perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years),    

  3. Interview better than anyone else (you will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths),

  4. Build the perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you),

  5. Network better than anyone else so you can get your dream job (or even get customers etc),

  6. and much more...

I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential. I have conducted over 1000 interviews (1 per week for more than 20 years) and I have successfully interviewed and switched careers many times (from working at Goldman Sachs to the tech industry to consulting to hedge funds to venture capital, etc.). I want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishments and reach your full potential.

* Since this is a very comprehensive career course, there are 4 ways to take this course as follows:

  1. You can chose to take only the Interview portion of the course, which is Part 1 (sections 1 – 23).

  2. You can chose to take only the Resume/LinkedIn and Optional Career Goal Setting Workshop portion of the course, which is Part 2 (sections 24 – 41).

  3. You can chose to take only the Networking portion of the course, which is Part 3 (sections 42 – 50).

  4. *My recommendation is to take the entire course in order (sections 1-50).

* I humbly recommend taking the entire course in order as I have reverse engineered and analyzed the process of getting a job over the past 20+ years and I know that if you go through Part 1 first, which is my interview boot camp, then in Part 2 you will know exactly how to improve your resume/LinkedIn profile based on how you completed the interview exercises in Part 1 of the course (very easy process to follow). Then you will be able to network like a rock star in Part 3!

I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential).

This course will help you get the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone.

There are no limits; you can get any job you want and together we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

30 day money back guarantee.


What are the requirements?

Anyone can take this course (no prior knowledge of creating resumes, optimized LinkedIn profiles, networking skills, interview skills and no career changing skills are required)! Recommended: access to Microsoft Word. Optional: access to PowerPoint.


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Get your dream job.

  • Build your perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years).

  • Interview better than anyone else (you will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths).

  • Build your perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you).

  • Network better than anyone else so you can get your dream job (or even get customers etc).

  • Goals: Know what your career goals are (no limits) through an optional goal setting workshop.

  • Passion: Know how to figure out what career you are most passionate about so that it feels like you don't have a have a passion!

  • Turn your 'perceived' weaknesses into strengths.

  • Answer any question you have no idea how to answer.

  • Know what to bring to the interview to increase your chances of getting hired (your competition will definitely not do this…). These interview exhibit secrets helped me change careers many times.

  • Add structure to your answers and use frameworks that the interviewer will appreciate and understand.

  • Know how to talk about your strengths in interviews so your answers are powerful, passionate, inspirational and right from the heart.

  • Understand what you need to know about the company you are interviewing at. I will show you an easy way that Wall Street analysts use to research firms from a qualitative perspective, which will make you look awesome!

  • Understand why relationships are always more important than product knowledge. You need to bond first with the interviewer and talk business later.

  • Structure your delivery in an interview and understand how to use transition words and words that buy you time!

  • Know what words to use and what words to never use.

  • Understand how to read the interviewer to tell if you are doing well in the interview.

  • Know when to stop talking and avoiding "over selling."

  • Answer questions a certain way that helps you know what question the interviewer will ask you next!

  • Understand how to answer very tough questions (so that the actual interview will be easy for you)!

  • Know how to help people you are interviewing with ...and if you do (and I will explain how) then you have a HUGE chance of getting hired.

  • Understand how to think like the interviewer, which will increase your chances of getting hired (and know what answers they want to hear).

  • Use technology to help you prepare for the interview.

  • Know how to deal with an aggressive interviewer (it's only a test).

  • Understand how to have positive body language in your interviews and what can hurt your chances of getting hired.

  • Know what to wear to an interview as every company is different. In the course I provide you with great resources to help you find out what to wear to the interview

  • Know from my work experience, why I have decided to hire and not to hire people after interviewing them.

  • Understand how to interview with people at different seniority levels in a company. You can't approach all interviews the same way; it all depends on the rank of the person you are interviewing with.

  • Know what questions to ask in the interviews (and when to ask). You need to ask questions in interviews based on the seniority of the person interviewing you. I will provide many examples.

  • Know what to do the morning of the interview (before the interview). You will have a thorough checklist ready and you will be more than ready for your interview!

  • Know what to do IMMEDIATELY after the interview. These post interview tips will help you increase your chances of getting hired.

  • Negotiate a higher salary. You got the job! Now What? Crucial advice on what to do now that you got the job, including negotiating your salary and why NOT quitting could be a good option...

  • Know when to decline a job offer, how to respond to a rejection which can help you a lot in the long run and why interviewing is an incredible way to network even if you don't get the job!

  • Know what your goals are in life [Optional Goal Setting Workshop Section]. This section will change your life. We will set incredible goals and what your resume WILL look like in 10 years. We will follow through and make these goals a reality within 10 years.

  • Understand what impactful words you should include on you resume. There are certain impactful words we must include on our resume. We will also talk about optimal job titles to use (if you started a club or work part time or if you don't have an official title).

  • Know what accomplishments to put on your resume. We will discuss how to list your top accomplishments on your resume. Plus there are definitely a few things that you have accomplished that you never thought of putting on your resume.

  • Know exactly how to format your resume.

  • How to create an unbelievable cover letter. We will talk about how to make an incredibly passionate, simple and effective cover letter.

  • How to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that recruiters have an easier time finding your profile.

  • How to embrace Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) the easy way. We will add more complexity to your LinkedIn profile as keywords help you rank higher in search rankings.

  • How to add much more depth to your LinkedIn profile.

  • Know what should be included in LinkedIn recommendations (if possible). What should be in recommendations? Keywords please for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)!

  • Know how to add endorsements, which helps recruiters find you on LinkedIn and helps you with S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization).

  • Comprehend why to only take advice from successful people...and comment on their posts!

  • Understand the secrets of getting recruiters to find you via "groups." Recruiters, potential employers and potential customers will find you more easily if you are members of "groups".

  • Know what you should remove that is written online (and negative of course) about you and how can we do this so recruiters don't see negative items when searching our names.

  • How you can rank higher in Google search rankings.

  • Get incredible networking meetings!

  • Know when to follow up with contacts after a first meeting and the amazing and value added way to stay in touch.

  • Network with your heart so you can "accidentally" receive 10x > than you give. You will find that if you give from your heart (without expecting anything in return), then you will receive much much much more in the long run. The most successful people are often givers.

  • Network to reach all of your professional, education and personal goals! Let's fill the gap between where we are now and where we want to be in 10 years! Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Use networking strategies if you have no idea what you want to do. We will discuss ideas on how to find your calling, your passion and your career by analyzing those that have gone down different career paths that you are not sure you want to take yet.

  • Switch careers using many strategies, including seeking advice from those that have changed careers and how to network and meet with them for guidance.

  • and much more...


What is the target audience

  • This course is for anyone that is interested in getting their dream job and wants to learn how to create/optimize an incredible resume, LinkedIn profile, networking skills, interview skills and much more.

  • This course is for anyone that is interested in learning the best interview skills from an award winning MBA professor that has interviewed 1000 people over the past 20 years (1 per week) and has successfully changed careers from consulting to Goldman Sachs to hedge funds to tech to venture capital etc.

  • This course is for anyone that is interested in improving or creating an incredible resume.

  • This course is for anyone that is interested in improving or creating an outstanding LinkedIn profile.

  • This course is for anyone that is interested in learning how to network better than anyone else in order to get a job / change careers / do informational meetings or even to get customers.


Back to all classes:

Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

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Chris Haroun Chris Haroun

An Entire MBA in 1 Course: Award Winning Business School Prof


Over 200,000 Students Enrolled from 196 Countries.
#1 Best Selling Business Course on Udemy! 

Lectures: 81
Video: 8 hours
Skill Level: All Levels
Languages: English
Includes: Lifetime access, 30 day money back guarantee, Available on iOS and Android, Certificate of Completion



** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: "Getting your MBA has never been easier. Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education." ** OVER 115,000 STUDENTS FROM 196 COUNTRIES.** 

** SPECIAL $99 BONUS: FREE 384 PAGE MBA BOOK INCLUDED ($99 value). In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download at the end of every section of this course (contains every slide & entire easy to read comprehensive scripts of all 49 lectures & >100 helpful internet links + more) keeping the course up to date, even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about business….from starting a company to taking it public. This course covers all of the important topics you will learn from getting an MBA from a top school + real life practical business concepts that will help make you more successful!

This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School," which Forbes magazine recently called "1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now."

The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and also in the venture capital sector (the firm I founded had a venture capital investment in Facebook).I included helpful practical business concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a “greatest hits” business summaries from my MBA, undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies.

I have minimized “boring theoretical concepts” in this course in order to keep it as close to reality as possible. The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many classes at several universities, where the student feedback has been universally and incredibly positive (please see my LinkedIn profile for student reviews / feedback on my teaching style/effectiveness - thank you. Also please see reviews of my books in Amazon and here in Udemy on my teaching - particularly in my Udemy course on "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School").


Customer Testimonials:

"I just wanted to shoot you a quick message letting you know I'm really enjoying your MBA course on Udemy. I really like that it's geared towards practitioners rather than just theory. I also wanted to sincerely thank you because your course was the difference in me getting funding this past week."  - Chris Backofen, CEO of CastCloud

"Engaging Course! Comprehensive presentation of key concepts that are well explained in a practical & relevant manner while delivered in easily digestible chunks."  - Michael Jordan

"I've been in business over 20 years and this course is an excellent refresher to remind you of things you may already know and things you may have forgotten along the way."  - Laura Caraccioli

"Very clearly structured, presented and spoken. Covers the foundations of entrepreneurship, business and investing." - Jeffrey Koury

"I have just finished this course, and I highly recommend it. I would say that the introduction video gives a good indication of what to expect. You will not be disappointed!"  - Ronald Deerenberg

"Great Induction, I Wish University were this exciting, that would definitely make me consider taking on the dept the education comes with."  - Christian Baffour-Akoto

"I completed my MBA in 2011 and this was a great refresher. I also got some wonderful takeaways from this course on how to follow my passion and love what I do. Would definitely recommend this lecture to others."  - Ali Ashraf

"Best course ever. I highly recommend this course"  - Aminata Bah

"Brilliant course. Have learned so much and looking forward to implementing what i've learned into future endeavours"  - Ben Judh

"This is definitely the best course I have attended in my entire life. It is jam-packed with facts, real life truths about the Financial Sector, its inner workings and a hands-on approach. Professor Haroun's approach of doing away with the theoretical jargon and instead providing a rich-in-practical-content makes this course an absolute MUST for students, young and matured executives, business owners of small or large companies to attend. Professor Haroun is an excellent speaker, an invigorating lecturer of whose passion is fervently contagious. As a business owner of 25 years, I wish I had come across Professor Haroun's knowledge and inspiring attitude many years ago. The course material is comprehensive, easy to understand and Professor Haroun's sense of humour and his inclusion of applicable videoclips in his downloadable course material adds spice to the whole experience. I am forever grateful at stumbling across his course on Udemy! Its been a life-changing experience."  - Antionette Cronje


Students of this course will enjoy learning everything they need to know about business….from starting a company to taking it public while learning the most important topics taught at the top MBA schools in the world. Take your career to the next level!


What are the requirements?

  • Nothing except a positive attitude! : )


What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 70,000 students enrolled from 193 countries over the past 12 months!

  • Superb reviews!

  • Free $99 384 page book version of this course!

  • Take your career to the next level!

  • Launch a company from scratch.

  • Get any job the easy way.

  • Get many customers by using the best networking tool!

  • Raise a lot of money quickly.

  • Create financial models from scratch (the Professor makes it so easy to understand).

  • Analyze company financials with ease!

  • Understand how investment banking firms work and what they can do to help your business.

  • Understand how management consulting firms work and when you need to hire them.

  • Understand how macro economics and micro economics works.

  • Understand what is venture capital and how to partner with the top venture capital firms to take your company to the next level.

  • Present to investors and customers like a boss : )

  • Communicate the right way in business so that you don't waste time.

  • Change careers easily.

  • Network and get a meeting with anyone (ideal tips on how to get a job or how to reinvent yourself or how to find customers).

  • Analyze entire markets and companies from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.

  • Understand how taxes work (don't worry this section is not boring)!

  • Protect your family and assets in case your business gets sued.

  • Understand what business career makes most sense for you!

  • Restructure your company and the benefits of declaring bankruptcy protection if needed.

  • Partner with equity and debt providers.

  • Value companies the easy way.

  • Set up the correct and most beneficial legal entity for your company.

  • Identify what makes an entrepreneur extremely successful.

  • Set unbelievable goals for yourself (there are no limits to what you can achieve....)!

  • After this course you will have the tools / skills needed to launch a company, grow it and then take it public!


What is the target audience?

  • Anyone interested in learning about business (only practical concepts that you can use and no boring theory + we won't cover business topics that are common sense).

Back to all classes:

Request Chris Haroun’s latest book for free, called “Networking to Get Customers, a Job, or Anything You Want!”

Read More