25 Presentation Guidebooks in Microsoft Word Format (scroll down to access the guidebooks in Google Docs format): During Topic 2, Chris discusses how to access the 25 100+ page guidebooks for 25 different types of presentations. Please click the following link to access all 25 guidebooks in Microsoft Word format: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rt0d5hew0wkn1zg/AACwF8MZawNjw1U7T4DaEGFBa?dl=0

50+ PowerPoint Presentation Templates: During Topic 2, Chris discusses how to access the 50+ PowerPoint presentation templates for 25 different types of presentations . Please click the following link to access all 50+ PowerPoint presentation templates: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dvhvit65jczu3pt/AAB1220yWqBN6vrFQDXj4J71a?dl=0

25 Presentation Guidebooks in Google Docs Format (click the 25 images below to access the guidebooks in Google Docs format):